
What is Group Spiritual Direction?

Group spiritual direction is done as a group, where each person offers spiritual direction to the others in the group.

A structured format is followed where the Presence of the Spirit is given priority. That is done through multiple times where silence in prayer is observed. I facilitate the group session according the format of the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation as follows:

  • A scripture or other inspirational reading  is given to open the session.
  • 15 minutes of silence in prayer is observed.
  • Someone shares a dimension of her or his current spiritual life for which he or she is discerning the Spirit’s guidance and would like prayer. (about 5 minutes)
  • A time of silent prayer is observed where each person discerns how the Spirit is prompting them to respond. (about 1 minute)
  • Each person in the group responds to the one who has shared. The guidelines for the response is that it is not to be about giving advice, rescuing, fixing, correcting, or problem-solving. The response is to give feedback or ask reflective questions that enhances and nurtures the person’s relationship with God. (about 15 minutes)
  • The group then prays in silence for the person who has shared. (about 2 minutes)
  • This format continues until everyone has had an opportunity to share.
  • The session is closed by everyone praying the Lord’s Prayer together.

If you would like to be part of a group or to form a group and need a facilitator, I would be glad to speak with you. Please contact me, You may also call 919-564-6061.

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